William Walker’s Bench


Material: Wood

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As part of the creation of a commemorative Battle of Britain Museum at Bentley Priory, a wooden bench has been added on the right hand side of the formal Italian garden at the Museum as a quiet place of reflection.

The bench is dedicated to Flight Lieutenant William Walker, a Spitfire pilot during the Battle of Britain in 1940 and a supporter of the creation of a museum here at Bentley Priory.

Carved into the bench is the quote, “It’s absent friends we miss the most”, which is taken from one of the poems William wrote in later life:

Remember those not here today,
And those unwell or far away,
And those who never lived to see
The end of war and victory.
And every friend who passed our way,
Remembered as of yesterday,
It’s absent friends we miss the most;
To all –let’s drink a loving toast.

Poem reproduced by kind permission of Battle of Britain Memorial at Capel-le-Ferne